Buyer And Seller Beware Tips To Avoid Scams On Craigslist Craigslist, an online collection of
location-based classified ads, can be great for finding sofas, apartments,
and even jobs. But as with all online activities, there is the potential for
misuse. Scammers can be found virtually everywhere, including Craigslist, and
they're out to get your money in any way they can.
Source: www.craigslist.org/about/scams
Check Out Our New Phone And Internet Bundles! By bundling together your local telephone and broadband
Internet access, our bundled service options double the value of your MVT
connection, making bundles a great value to our customers. You get secure and
reliable telephone service, and rock solid broadband together at one discount
price. Two To View A Couple Of Amazing Videos You Don't Want To
This Month's FAQ What's The Best Way To Transfer Files To My
New PC? Question: I'm planning to get a new computer with
Windows 7 and will need to transfer my files over from my old PC. What's the
best way to do this?
You'll need to start
Easy Transfer on both computers, choose what information you want to
transfer, and follow the instructions to complete the task. Sites Of The Month Great Sites To Check Out In January
Short Tutorial Manually Clearing Your Browser History Your browser history is a handy tool when you want to quickly
return to a recently visited webpage. But it can also become a privacy issue,
which is why browsers provide the option of clearing your history. It's also
a good thing to do regularly to help prevent the slowdown of your Internet
and computer speeds due to the accumulation of cookies and offline webpages.
To clear your browser history, simply follow the steps below for your browser
and operating system.
1. With Internet Explorer open, click your
cursor arrow on the "Tools" menu and select "Internet
Options" from the resulting drop-down menu. 2. The Internet Options window will open and
the "General" tab should be selected. In the "Browsing
history" section, click on the "Delete..." button. 3. The Delete Browsing History window will
open. By default, some of the selections will be checked. Once you are
satisfied that the appropriate selections have been made, click on the
"Delete" button. 4. The "Delete Browsing History"
progress box will appear to show you the deletion status. 5. Click the red X in the upper right corner to
close the Internet Options window. Internet Explorer 8
also gives you the option of automatically deleting your browsing history
upon exiting from the program. To do this, simply follow these steps: 1. With Internet Explorer open, click your
cursor arrow on the "Tools" menu and select "Internet
Options" from the resulting drop-down menu. 2. The Internet Options window will open. While
on the "General" tab and in the "Browsing history"
section, check the box next to "Delete browsing history on exit." 3. Next, click on the "Apply" button
to save your changes and then click on the "OK" button to close the
Internet Options window.
1. With Internet Explorer open, click your
cursor arrow on the button resembling a gear or cog on the right side of the
tool bar, drop down to the "Safety" menu, and select "Delete
Browsing History..." from the resulting drop-down menu. 2. The Delete Browsing History window will open.
The box next to "History" should be checked. Uncheck any other
items you do not want to delete, like Cookies. 3. Click on the "Delete" button. The
"Delete Browsing History" pop-up box will appear showing you the
progress of deleting your history and will close automatically when the
process is complete. Internet Explorer 9
also gives you the option of automatically deleting your browsing history
upon exiting from the program. To do this, simply follow these steps: 1. With Internet Explorer open, click your
cursor arrow on the button resembling a gear or cog on the right side of the
tool bar and select "Internet Options" from the resulting drop-down
menu. 2. The Internet Options window will open. While
on the "General" tab and in the "Browsing history"
section, check the box next to "Delete browsing history on exit." 3. Next, click on the "Apply" button
to save your changes and then click on the "OK" button to close the
Internet Options window.
1. With Firefox open, click your cursor arrow
on the "Tools" menu and select "Clear Recent History..."
from the resulting drop-down menu. 2. The Clear Recent History window will open.
Click the down arrow next to "Details" and verify that the box next
to "Browsing & Download History" is checked. 3. From the drop-down menu next to the
"Time range to clear:" field, choose from the five items listed:
"Last Hour," "Last Two Hours," "Last Four
Hours," "Today," or "Everything." 4. Click on the "Clear Now" button.
1. With Safari open, click your cursor arrow on
the "History" menu and select "Clear History" from the
resulting drop-down menu. 2. A pop-up box will appear asking, "Are
you sure you want to clear history? You can't undo this action." There
is also an empty check box next to "Also reset Top Sites." Check
the check box and then click on the "Clear" button.
1. With Chrome open, click your cursor arrow on
the "History" menu and select "Show Full History" from
the resulting drop-down menu. 2. When the "History" window opens,
click on the "Edit items..." link to the upper right. 3. Click the "Clear all browsing
data..." button at the top of the list of links in Chrome's history. 4. Close the window when you're finished.
1. With Chrome open, click your cursor arrow on
the "Tools" icon that is shaped like a wrench on the right of the
menu bar and select "History" from the resulting drop-down menu. 2. When the "History" tab opens,
click on the "Edit items..." link to the upper right. 3. Click the "Clear all browsing
data..." button at the top of the list of links in Chrome's history. 4. Close the tab when you're finished. We hope you found
this newsletter to be informative. It's our way of keeping you posted on the
happenings here. If, however, you'd prefer not to receive these bulletins,
click here.
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